Sunday, October 23, 2005


To be reluctant to give or admit; a deep-seated feeling of resentment.

I was humbled tonight. I think I need to be humbled every night. I have been bearing a grudge. Someone has hurt and offended me and I have let the unforgiveness win. Every time my mind recalls the situation, I become offended again, hurt again, angry again. Although I feel as though I was perhaps wronged, it is time that I let go, I forgive and I drop the garbage that I'm allowing to cling to me.

We've heard it said, that the only person we're hurting is ourselves. There is no point in holding a grudge. Nothing is being solved by carrying around a hardened heart. Sometimes, even if we truly believe that we are not in the wrong, we may still need to fess up and say sorry. Sorry for this attitude. Sorry for the lack of grace. Sorry for my pride. Sorry for not even trying to understand. Sorry for replaying the hurt you caused me so long ago.

I once read that while you're carrying a grudge towards someone, they're out dancing. Absolutely nothing is accomplished in letting hurt win. I have no idea how far rooted this is, not only in myself, but in others as well. Perhaps my small act of saying sorry will encourage forgiveness to win. And wow - what a release to finally let it go!

"There are some who bear a grudge even to those that do them good."
- Bidpai


Blogger tmosh said...

good post karyn, thanks for being honest & shedding some light for the rest of us, offence sure can be a tricky thing

9:30 PM  

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