Thursday, July 27, 2006


A woman's bag for carrying keys, a wallet, and other personal items; a handbag.

What a day! Before it could really begin, I made a quick stop at a gas station on my way to work. The Shell is only a two minute drive away and it was late morning. As I pulled up I realized that there wasn't a car wash and left my car idling as I was deciding whether or not to go to the next gas station. "Does Eddie really need a bath today?" Just as I put the car into park a man walked up to the passenger side of my car. My window was rolled down (blasted Winnipeg heat) and the doors were unlocked.

Suddenly he yelled, "give me your purse"! He then opened the car door and began to climb in. "Give me your purse, give me that purse!" The purse was sitting on the passengers seat. Without much time to react, I put the car into drive and began driving, half of the man inside of my car. There were construction workers nearby who began watching and the lady at the pump beside me was looking as well. The man finally let go as I reached to slam the door shut. He chased after me, still yelling, "give me that purse, give me that purse..."

Hmm... My reaction - "forget Shell, where's Esso?"

"Let not the bottom of your purse or of your mind be seen."
- Portuguese Proverb


Blogger Ashmonia said...

Well that sure starts the morning with a little bit of excitement! Good reaction by you to simply drive away! That is a little scary! Well I'm happy that you are alright that brings me joy! I hope your car is all washed now and everyone is in good health. What a story.

Take Care Karyn

2:37 PM  
Blogger tmosh said...

holy crap!
Karyn - that is CRAZY
you should definately move to saskatoon!

7:29 PM  
Blogger A Not So Desperate Housewife said...

Maybe you just should have given him your purse?

9:18 AM  
Blogger Jenny said...

I think my reaction would have been to start driving too at as high a speed as I could without running into things. What a punk!

7:41 PM  
Blogger Jason Sheppard said...

I would have driven my car into the nearest wall on his side of the car, repeatedly, then, after he was seriously discaboobalated, I would have offered him my wallet/purse, or whatever.
So, you started out in the right direction. Next time, more discaboobalation.

7:28 AM  

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