Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Personal interest.

There are aspects of this world which I love so deeply, but there are those elements that seem to sting beyond annoyance. This earth has so many contrasts and tensions that its often hard to formulate an opinion over one simple topic. My beef of the day; why do people live solely for themselves? I am not here to claim that I am the second coming of Mother Theresa, but I do feel as though there are others beyond myself who deserve even a morsel of respect.

What then is respect? Is it simply nodding in unknown agreement and removing shoes at the door of a strangers home? Obviously, I'm looking for the negative head tilt in the general direction of those questions, truly hoping that people believe respect to be something far more genuine and sincere.

If I could, I would truly ask the "human race" what their deal is (and I guess I'm clustered into that group as well). People move about their days making sure that their agendas are complete, often before taking a moment to even recognize the person with the coffee stain on their new white shirt sitting right beside them. We tend to get so consumed in our own routines that people become part of the blurry background. Decisions are based on merit, motive is inspired by reward and success is determined by praise and mathematical calculations. Simply put, it's stupid and frustrating.

I try to see people for who they are. I try to recognize the perspectives of anothers opinion. I try to smile when I'm grouchy and I try to remind myself to forfeit the comfy seat when I know I'll survive without it. None of this makes me a saint and none of it should. These simple actions should not even be tried as they should be the basics of habit and common sense.

I sometimes wish that I was satisfied without asking "why", but that just isn't me. Unfortunately, I may not have the opportunity to ask the entire planet what their deal is, but keeping tabs on myself will hopefully encourage others to do the same. All I'm asking is that the focus goes beyond your own reflection, if only for a moment.

"Human history is the sad result of each one looking out for himself."

- Julio Cortazar


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